A non-Profit, Secular, Non-Religious, Non-Poltical Organization
Tribal Empowerment
The basic backward communities like Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and BCs need support, education and care towards their inclusive development. Hence IEERD under this thematic area; initiates variety of activities like literacy, digital education, agriculture promotion, FRA Rights Initiatives, educational assistance, supply of books/notes/school bags/sports kits, NTFP marketing assistance, skill development trainings & enterprising, conducting medical camps, supply of free medicines, CBOs formation and connect them to concerned departments etc. We give special focus on forest dwelling/dpending communities.
What we do for Tribal Communities
“Agriculture: With a Difference, New Perspective & New Skill”
To increase the small and marginalized farmer productivity, and to provide gains by reducing poverty, increase nutrition in Agri-Production, improve knowledge and increase income of farmers with better, faster and cheaper services, we have provided 660 small and marginalized farmers trainings in Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh on Organic Farming, NPM methods and Multi-Crop given trainings in Animal husbandry, Azolla and Vegetable cultivation by Prof. Guruva Reddy at Guntur Lamb Farm, Andhra Pradesh India for 14 days each, for each module. These farmers were from Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh. -
Pests and pesticides contribute to the major economic and ecological problems affecting the farmers, crops and their living environment. To overcome this situation in Kandukuru District, Andhra Padesh, more than 300 Farmers were sensitized and trained about the ill effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on crops, soil and environment, human and animal health. Farmers were sensitized through cultural activities, video shows and lectures by the experts in the field of agriculture from Agriculture Station, Prakasam District, AP, India. Around 600 acres of land was cultivated through organic farming.